Estudios Franciscanos

Estudis Franciscans or Estudios Franciscanos (Franciscan Studies), is a review about church and Franciscan studies, which was founded, with an apologetic aim, by Miquel d'Esplugues in 1907. It ceased publication in 1936 and it was re-published again since 1948. Today, it is used as a scientific media of research of all the Capuchin provinces of Spain and Portugal. It publishes articles in all the languages that are spoken in the Iberian Peninsula.

Estudios Franciscanos

Estudis Franciscans or Estudios Franciscanos (Franciscan Studies), is a review about church and Franciscan studies, which was founded, with an apologetic aim, by Miquel d'Esplugues in 1907. It ceased publication in 1936 and it was re-published again since 1948. Today, it is used as a scientific media of research of all the Capuchin provinces of Spain and Portugal. It publishes articles in all the languages that are spoken in the Iberian Peninsula.