
Saint Yban, also known as Saint Ethbin, saint Iboan, saint Diboan, saint Diboen, saint Iben, saint Ibe, saint Abibon, saint Languis, saint Langui, saint Idunet, saint Ivinec, is one of a number of semi-legendary Breton saints from Armorica who are not recognized by the Catholic Church. He was a disciple of Saint Winwaloe. He founded a priory which is today the city of Châteaulin. The local church remembers him as a deacon. He was invoked for a good apple crop, and offerings of cider were made to him. After his monastery at was destroyed by the Franks he went to live in seclusion in the woods, first in Brittany and later in Ireland. He died on 14 November aged 83.


Saint Yban, also known as Saint Ethbin, saint Iboan, saint Diboan, saint Diboen, saint Iben, saint Ibe, saint Abibon, saint Languis, saint Langui, saint Idunet, saint Ivinec, is one of a number of semi-legendary Breton saints from Armorica who are not recognized by the Catholic Church. He was a disciple of Saint Winwaloe. He founded a priory which is today the city of Châteaulin. The local church remembers him as a deacon. He was invoked for a good apple crop, and offerings of cider were made to him. After his monastery at was destroyed by the Franks he went to live in seclusion in the woods, first in Brittany and later in Ireland. He died on 14 November aged 83.