
CAPJPO-Europalestine is a French non-governmental organization (NGO), founded by Olivia Zemor, dedicated to the ending of "the occupation of the Palestinian territories" in compliance with UN Security Council Resolution 242 passed after the Six-Day War in 1967. According to the organization, it was formed by the Coordination des Appels pour une Paix Juste au Proche-Orient, created in February 2002 and signed in less than three months by more than 12,000 people.


CAPJPO-Europalestine is a French non-governmental organization (NGO), founded by Olivia Zemor, dedicated to the ending of "the occupation of the Palestinian territories" in compliance with UN Security Council Resolution 242 passed after the Six-Day War in 1967. According to the organization, it was formed by the Coordination des Appels pour une Paix Juste au Proche-Orient, created in February 2002 and signed in less than three months by more than 12,000 people.