European Pharmaceutical Students' Association

The European Pharmaceutical Students' Association (EPSA) is a non-profit, non-governmental, non-political and non-religious umbrella association of 45 Pharmaceutical Students' Associations from 36 countries, representing over 100.000 pharmaceutical students across Europe. Its main objective is 'to develop the interests and opinions of European pharmaceutical students and to encourage contact and collaboration between them'. EPSA's motto '"Bringing Pharmacy, Knowledge and Students Together" reflects its will to promote the ideas and opinions of all European pharmaceutical students in order to improve the Education, the Pharmaceutical Profession and the Scientific Advances regarding Pharmacy.EPSA has its headquarters in Brussels, Belgium, in PGEU's offices. The Vice President of External Aff

European Pharmaceutical Students' Association

The European Pharmaceutical Students' Association (EPSA) is a non-profit, non-governmental, non-political and non-religious umbrella association of 45 Pharmaceutical Students' Associations from 36 countries, representing over 100.000 pharmaceutical students across Europe. Its main objective is 'to develop the interests and opinions of European pharmaceutical students and to encourage contact and collaboration between them'. EPSA's motto '"Bringing Pharmacy, Knowledge and Students Together" reflects its will to promote the ideas and opinions of all European pharmaceutical students in order to improve the Education, the Pharmaceutical Profession and the Scientific Advances regarding Pharmacy.EPSA has its headquarters in Brussels, Belgium, in PGEU's offices. The Vice President of External Aff