Eurydice of Athens

Eurydice (Greek: Εὐρυδίκη ἡ Ἀθηναία) was an Athenian woman of a family descended from the great Miltiades. She was first married to the Macedonian commander Ophellas, the conqueror and ruler of Cyrene, and after his death returned to Athens, where she married Demetrius I of Macedon, on occasion of his first visit to that city. She is said to have had by him a son called Corrhabus.

Eurydice of Athens

Eurydice (Greek: Εὐρυδίκη ἡ Ἀθηναία) was an Athenian woman of a family descended from the great Miltiades. She was first married to the Macedonian commander Ophellas, the conqueror and ruler of Cyrene, and after his death returned to Athens, where she married Demetrius I of Macedon, on occasion of his first visit to that city. She is said to have had by him a son called Corrhabus.