
Eurysternus is a genus of Scarabaeinae or dung beetles in the family Scarabaeidae. It is normally placed in the Oniticellini, although some authors consider it the single genus in the tribe Eurysternini (e.g.). It is restricted to the Neotropics and includes 53 recognized species. They have a characteristic nesting strategy among dung beetles, with brood ball elaboration but no ball rolling behaviour.


Eurysternus is a genus of Scarabaeinae or dung beetles in the family Scarabaeidae. It is normally placed in the Oniticellini, although some authors consider it the single genus in the tribe Eurysternini (e.g.). It is restricted to the Neotropics and includes 53 recognized species. They have a characteristic nesting strategy among dung beetles, with brood ball elaboration but no ball rolling behaviour.