Eutychius Proclus

Eutychius Proclus (Ancient Greek: Εὐτύχιος Πρόκλος, Eutychios Proklos, or Tuticius Proculus in some sources) was a grammarian who flourished in the 2nd century AD. He served as one of two Latin tutors for the Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius, along with Trosius Aper. He was from the North African city of Sicca Veneria (modern El Kef in Tunisia). It is possibly this Proclus who is mentioned by Trebellius Pollio as the most learned grammarian of his age.

Eutychius Proclus

Eutychius Proclus (Ancient Greek: Εὐτύχιος Πρόκλος, Eutychios Proklos, or Tuticius Proculus in some sources) was a grammarian who flourished in the 2nd century AD. He served as one of two Latin tutors for the Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius, along with Trosius Aper. He was from the North African city of Sicca Veneria (modern El Kef in Tunisia). It is possibly this Proclus who is mentioned by Trebellius Pollio as the most learned grammarian of his age.