
Everville is a 1994 fantasy novel by British author Clive Barker. The second in the Books of the Art series, it follows the 1989 novel The Great and Secret Show. The story tells of the creation and transformation of the small town of Everville, including several characters from Quiddity, the vast universe or afterlife hinted previously in the series. Detective Harry D'Amour appears, as do the 'Shu (small, squid-like beings described as "pieces of God"), Phoebe Cobb, a resident of the town who passionately loves Joe, a dark-skinned painter, and Seth, a gay teenager who can hear angels knocking from the other side of Heaven.


Everville is a 1994 fantasy novel by British author Clive Barker. The second in the Books of the Art series, it follows the 1989 novel The Great and Secret Show. The story tells of the creation and transformation of the small town of Everville, including several characters from Quiddity, the vast universe or afterlife hinted previously in the series. Detective Harry D'Amour appears, as do the 'Shu (small, squid-like beings described as "pieces of God"), Phoebe Cobb, a resident of the town who passionately loves Joe, a dark-skinned painter, and Seth, a gay teenager who can hear angels knocking from the other side of Heaven.