Evil Bong

Evil Bong, made in 2006, is an American stoner-“slasher”-comedy film directed by Charles Band about a group of stoners who smoke from a sentient, malevolent bong, that traps the smoker in The Bong World, a surreal realm filled with killer strippers and other Full Moon creatures. The ending features an extended cameo by Tommy Chong, of Cheech & Chong fame. Brandi Cunningham from VH1's Rock of Love with Bret Michaels and horror icon Bill Moseley also make appearances in the film. It has spawned a franchise.

Evil Bong

Evil Bong, made in 2006, is an American stoner-“slasher”-comedy film directed by Charles Band about a group of stoners who smoke from a sentient, malevolent bong, that traps the smoker in The Bong World, a surreal realm filled with killer strippers and other Full Moon creatures. The ending features an extended cameo by Tommy Chong, of Cheech & Chong fame. Brandi Cunningham from VH1's Rock of Love with Bret Michaels and horror icon Bill Moseley also make appearances in the film. It has spawned a franchise.