Exponential function

In mathematics, the exponential function is the function where e = 2.71828... is Euler's constant. More generally, an exponential function is a function of the form where b is a positive real number, and the argument x occurs as an exponent. For real numbers c and d, a function of the form is also an exponential function, since it can be rewritten as For b > 1, the function is increasing (as depicted for b = e and b = 2), because makes the derivative always positive; while for b < 1, the function is decreasing (as depicted for b = 1/2); and for b = 1 the function is constant. or

Exponential function

In mathematics, the exponential function is the function where e = 2.71828... is Euler's constant. More generally, an exponential function is a function of the form where b is a positive real number, and the argument x occurs as an exponent. For real numbers c and d, a function of the form is also an exponential function, since it can be rewritten as For b > 1, the function is increasing (as depicted for b = e and b = 2), because makes the derivative always positive; while for b < 1, the function is decreasing (as depicted for b = 1/2); and for b = 1 the function is constant. or