FDB Møbler

FDB Møbler is a Danish furniture company established in 1942. It was formerly a subsidiary of FDB (now called Coop amba). Børge Mogensen served as the design studio manager and many of his designs are sold by the company. Mogensen was succeeded Poul M. Volther, Ejvind A. Johansson, and Jørgen Bækmark. FDB closed its furniture subsidiary business in 1980, but revived it in 2013.

FDB Møbler

FDB Møbler is a Danish furniture company established in 1942. It was formerly a subsidiary of FDB (now called Coop amba). Børge Mogensen served as the design studio manager and many of his designs are sold by the company. Mogensen was succeeded Poul M. Volther, Ejvind A. Johansson, and Jørgen Bækmark. FDB closed its furniture subsidiary business in 1980, but revived it in 2013.