FLACC is an implementation of the ALGOL 68 programming language. Chris Thomson and Colin Broughton founded Chion Corporation which developed and marketed FLACC (Full Language Algol 68 Checkout Compiler). This compiler and run-time system conformed exactly to the Revised Report, ran on IBM 370 and compatible mainframes, and included debugging features derived from WATFIV. It was released in 1977. According to Thomson decade later:


FLACC is an implementation of the ALGOL 68 programming language. Chris Thomson and Colin Broughton founded Chion Corporation which developed and marketed FLACC (Full Language Algol 68 Checkout Compiler). This compiler and run-time system conformed exactly to the Revised Report, ran on IBM 370 and compatible mainframes, and included debugging features derived from WATFIV. It was released in 1977. According to Thomson decade later: