FSC Millport

FSC Millport, run by the Field Studies Council, is located on the island of Great Cumbrae in the Firth of Clyde, Scotland. The field centre was formerly known as the University Marine Biological Station Millport (UMBSM), a higher education institute run by the University of London in partnership with Glasgow University but was closed due to the withdrawal of higher education funding in 2013. FSC reopened the centre in 2014 and continues to host and teach university, school and college groups and to support and host research students from all over the world, whilst also extending its educational reach and providing a variety of courses in natural history and outdoor environmental activities for adult learners and families to enjoy. The centre is a very popular conference venue hosting many

FSC Millport

FSC Millport, run by the Field Studies Council, is located on the island of Great Cumbrae in the Firth of Clyde, Scotland. The field centre was formerly known as the University Marine Biological Station Millport (UMBSM), a higher education institute run by the University of London in partnership with Glasgow University but was closed due to the withdrawal of higher education funding in 2013. FSC reopened the centre in 2014 and continues to host and teach university, school and college groups and to support and host research students from all over the world, whilst also extending its educational reach and providing a variety of courses in natural history and outdoor environmental activities for adult learners and families to enjoy. The centre is a very popular conference venue hosting many