Faculty Lounge

Faculty Lounge is a band based in Des Moines, Iowa, created during Halloween of 2000 by bassist Dave Maxwell, guitarist Timm Pilcher, and drummer Mark Stallman. The band is made up of nine players, all of whom are either current or former teachers, coaches, and/or administrators in the Des Moines Public School system or surrounding area. The band has performed three times for President Barack Obama and several times for former Iowa Governor Chet Culver (a former teacher at Des Moines Hoover and Roosevelt High Schools) who proclaimed the band as, "The First Band of Iowa."

Faculty Lounge

Faculty Lounge is a band based in Des Moines, Iowa, created during Halloween of 2000 by bassist Dave Maxwell, guitarist Timm Pilcher, and drummer Mark Stallman. The band is made up of nine players, all of whom are either current or former teachers, coaches, and/or administrators in the Des Moines Public School system or surrounding area. The band has performed three times for President Barack Obama and several times for former Iowa Governor Chet Culver (a former teacher at Des Moines Hoover and Roosevelt High Schools) who proclaimed the band as, "The First Band of Iowa."