Faggot (film)

Faggot (French: Tapette) is a Canadian short drama film, directed by Olivier Perrier and released in 2016. The film centres on Alex Girard (Robin L'Houmeau), a young junior hockey player in the Abitibi-Témiscamingue region of Quebec who is struggling with whether to come out as gay to his teammates. Perrier, a film student at Concordia University at the time of making the film, won the Emerging Canadian Artist award at the 2017 Inside Out Film and Video Festival.

Faggot (film)

Faggot (French: Tapette) is a Canadian short drama film, directed by Olivier Perrier and released in 2016. The film centres on Alex Girard (Robin L'Houmeau), a young junior hockey player in the Abitibi-Témiscamingue region of Quebec who is struggling with whether to come out as gay to his teammates. Perrier, a film student at Concordia University at the time of making the film, won the Emerging Canadian Artist award at the 2017 Inside Out Film and Video Festival.