
FairPlay is a digital rights management (DRM) technology developed by Apple Inc. It is built into the MP4 multimedia file format as an encrypted AAC audio layer, and was used until April 2009 by the company to protect copyrighted works sold through iTunes Store, allowing only authorized devices to play the content. In January 2009, Apple signed deals with all major record labels as well as many independent labels to offer all iTunes music with a DRM-free option.


FairPlay is a digital rights management (DRM) technology developed by Apple Inc. It is built into the MP4 multimedia file format as an encrypted AAC audio layer, and was used until April 2009 by the company to protect copyrighted works sold through iTunes Store, allowing only authorized devices to play the content. In January 2009, Apple signed deals with all major record labels as well as many independent labels to offer all iTunes music with a DRM-free option.