Fairport Convention discography

Folk rock group Fairport Convention is usually credited as the first British folk rock band. Founded in 1967 and initially covering songs by artists such as Bob Dylan and Joni Mitchell, they developed a devoted niche following by providing electrified and upbeat versions of traditional folk tunes alongside their own compositions. In a career spanning over fifty years, notable for numerous changes of line-up as well as continued success, Fairport Convention have issued over fifty albums.

Fairport Convention discography

Folk rock group Fairport Convention is usually credited as the first British folk rock band. Founded in 1967 and initially covering songs by artists such as Bob Dylan and Joni Mitchell, they developed a devoted niche following by providing electrified and upbeat versions of traditional folk tunes alongside their own compositions. In a career spanning over fifty years, notable for numerous changes of line-up as well as continued success, Fairport Convention have issued over fifty albums.