
Iranian Princess Ashraf al-Muluk, titled Fakhr-ol-Dowleh (1883–1955), meaning pride of the state, was one of the most prominent daughters of Mozaffar al-Din Shah Qajar of the Qajar dynasty, who had a reputably strong character, to the point that she was even willing and able to confront Reza Shah for her patrimony and right. She married Prince Mohsen, Amin ol dowleh junior, whose father, Mirza Ali Khan, Amin ol dowleh senior, was a prominent Qajar prime minister, often condemned for acting indecisively towards foreign powers, specifically Britain.


Iranian Princess Ashraf al-Muluk, titled Fakhr-ol-Dowleh (1883–1955), meaning pride of the state, was one of the most prominent daughters of Mozaffar al-Din Shah Qajar of the Qajar dynasty, who had a reputably strong character, to the point that she was even willing and able to confront Reza Shah for her patrimony and right. She married Prince Mohsen, Amin ol dowleh junior, whose father, Mirza Ali Khan, Amin ol dowleh senior, was a prominent Qajar prime minister, often condemned for acting indecisively towards foreign powers, specifically Britain.