False accusation of rape

A false accusation of rape happens when a person says they have been raped but when in reality no rape has occurred. In a 2010 study of 136 reports of sexual assault investigated by a university police department, 8 (5.9%) were coded as false reports, 61 (44.9%)did not proceed to any prosecution or disciplinary action, 48 (35.3%) were referred for prosecution or disciplinary action, and 19 (13.9%) contained insufficient information to be coded. According to a 2013 book on forensic victimology, the true percentage remains unknown due to the varying definitions of a "false accusation".

False accusation of rape

A false accusation of rape happens when a person says they have been raped but when in reality no rape has occurred. In a 2010 study of 136 reports of sexual assault investigated by a university police department, 8 (5.9%) were coded as false reports, 61 (44.9%)did not proceed to any prosecution or disciplinary action, 48 (35.3%) were referred for prosecution or disciplinary action, and 19 (13.9%) contained insufficient information to be coded. According to a 2013 book on forensic victimology, the true percentage remains unknown due to the varying definitions of a "false accusation".