
Familypedia is a free-to-use public wiki on family history and genealogy. It is a collaborative effort by amateur genealogists and family historians, with over 61,000 unique people having their own pages among over 215,000 articles. For over 33,000 of those individuals, there is a corresponding subpage displaying an ancestry chart, automatically updated, and for most there is a similarly updated descendant table. Over 7,000 pages tabulate, for specific localities or larger areas such as counties, individuals who had life events such as birth or marriage at the locality. There are over 320,000 other pages, including over 13,000 surname categories. It is the largest English-language semantic wiki concentrating on genealogy, but it is not restricted to English.


Familypedia is a free-to-use public wiki on family history and genealogy. It is a collaborative effort by amateur genealogists and family historians, with over 61,000 unique people having their own pages among over 215,000 articles. For over 33,000 of those individuals, there is a corresponding subpage displaying an ancestry chart, automatically updated, and for most there is a similarly updated descendant table. Over 7,000 pages tabulate, for specific localities or larger areas such as counties, individuals who had life events such as birth or marriage at the locality. There are over 320,000 other pages, including over 13,000 surname categories. It is the largest English-language semantic wiki concentrating on genealogy, but it is not restricted to English.