Fashion and clothing in the Philippines

Fashion and clothing in the Philippines refers to the way the people of Filipino society dress up in instances such as while they are at home, at work, travelling and when attending special occasions. The clothing style and fashion sense of the Filipinos in the modern-day era have been influenced by their native ancestors, the Spanish colonizers and the Americans, as evidenced by the chronology of events that occurred in Philippine history. At present, Filipinos conform their way of dressing, in addition to the above factors, as a result of the influence of what is shown by the media on television, fashion shows, among others.

Fashion and clothing in the Philippines

Fashion and clothing in the Philippines refers to the way the people of Filipino society dress up in instances such as while they are at home, at work, travelling and when attending special occasions. The clothing style and fashion sense of the Filipinos in the modern-day era have been influenced by their native ancestors, the Spanish colonizers and the Americans, as evidenced by the chronology of events that occurred in Philippine history. At present, Filipinos conform their way of dressing, in addition to the above factors, as a result of the influence of what is shown by the media on television, fashion shows, among others.