Faune de France (book series)

Faune de France is a 99 volume synthesis of Zoology of France published between 1921 and 1999. The books are written in the French language. They contain identification keys. Launched in 1921 by the French Federation of Natural Science Societies , the Faune de France collection was published from 1921 to 1966 ( nos.1 to 68) by Lechevalier editions (Paris: Éditions Faune de France) , in collaboration, in particular, with the National Museum of Natural History , the National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) and the National Institute for Agronomic Research (INRA). Publications were interrupted from 1967 to 1982. In 1983, the collection made a second start, the French Federation of Natural Science Societies directly becoming the publisher. From 1983 to 2015, volumes 69 to 97 were produce

Faune de France (book series)

Faune de France is a 99 volume synthesis of Zoology of France published between 1921 and 1999. The books are written in the French language. They contain identification keys. Launched in 1921 by the French Federation of Natural Science Societies , the Faune de France collection was published from 1921 to 1966 ( nos.1 to 68) by Lechevalier editions (Paris: Éditions Faune de France) , in collaboration, in particular, with the National Museum of Natural History , the National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) and the National Institute for Agronomic Research (INRA). Publications were interrupted from 1967 to 1982. In 1983, the collection made a second start, the French Federation of Natural Science Societies directly becoming the publisher. From 1983 to 2015, volumes 69 to 97 were produce