Fbsp wavelet

In applied mathematics, fbsp wavelets are frequency B-spline wavelets. fbsp m-fb-fc These frequency B-spline wavelets are complex wavelets whose spectrum are spline. where sinc function that appears in Shannon sampling theorem. * m > 1 is the order of the spline * fb is a bandwidth parameter * fc is the wavelet center frequency Clearly, Shannon wavelet (sinc wavelet) is a particular case of fbsp.

Fbsp wavelet

In applied mathematics, fbsp wavelets are frequency B-spline wavelets. fbsp m-fb-fc These frequency B-spline wavelets are complex wavelets whose spectrum are spline. where sinc function that appears in Shannon sampling theorem. * m > 1 is the order of the spline * fb is a bandwidth parameter * fc is the wavelet center frequency Clearly, Shannon wavelet (sinc wavelet) is a particular case of fbsp.