
Fedoseevtsy, also Fedoseyans (Федосеевцы, феодосиевцы in Russian) is a dissident religious movement in Imperial Russia and one of the denominations among the Bespopovtsy. The Fedoseevtsy movement was born amidst the Old Believers (mostly peasants and posad people) in Northwest Russia. It was founded by an ex-deacon (1661-1711). The Fedoseevtsy were displeased with a certain group within the Bespopovtsy, namely Pomortsy, who had been diverging from the strict principles of the Old Believers and adopted a custom of praying for the tsar (моление за царя). Initially, the Fedoseevtsy were irreconcilable towards the serfdom in Russia and observed strict asceticism, negating the institution of marriage. In the late 18th century, the Fedoseevtsy centered on a group led by (1731-1809) with their


Fedoseevtsy, also Fedoseyans (Федосеевцы, феодосиевцы in Russian) is a dissident religious movement in Imperial Russia and one of the denominations among the Bespopovtsy. The Fedoseevtsy movement was born amidst the Old Believers (mostly peasants and posad people) in Northwest Russia. It was founded by an ex-deacon (1661-1711). The Fedoseevtsy were displeased with a certain group within the Bespopovtsy, namely Pomortsy, who had been diverging from the strict principles of the Old Believers and adopted a custom of praying for the tsar (моление за царя). Initially, the Fedoseevtsy were irreconcilable towards the serfdom in Russia and observed strict asceticism, negating the institution of marriage. In the late 18th century, the Fedoseevtsy centered on a group led by (1731-1809) with their