Feed the Minds

Feed the Minds is an ecumenical Christian international development charity that supports the most marginalised individuals and communities around the world. Its vision is "A world in which all people everywhere have the opportunity to live life in all its fullness", and it works towards this vision through its Education for Change programme and Overseas Book Service. In 2011/12 Feed the Minds changed the lives of 100,000 people through its Education for Change programme, and supported churches in development by sending more than 3,000 quality used books to 126 theological colleges.

Feed the Minds

Feed the Minds is an ecumenical Christian international development charity that supports the most marginalised individuals and communities around the world. Its vision is "A world in which all people everywhere have the opportunity to live life in all its fullness", and it works towards this vision through its Education for Change programme and Overseas Book Service. In 2011/12 Feed the Minds changed the lives of 100,000 people through its Education for Change programme, and supported churches in development by sending more than 3,000 quality used books to 126 theological colleges.