Feer Khan Shujauddin

Syedna Feerkhan Shujauddin (died 9 Zilkad 1065 AH/1657 AD), Ahmedabad, India was the 33rd Da'i al-Mutlaq (Absolute Missionary) of the Dawoodi Bohra sect of Musta‘lī Islam. He succeeded the 32nd Da'i Syedna Qutubuddin Shaheed to the religious post. He became Da'i al-Mutlaq in 1056 AH (1648 AD), and his period of Dawat was from 1056-1065 AH (1648-1657 AD).

Feer Khan Shujauddin

Syedna Feerkhan Shujauddin (died 9 Zilkad 1065 AH/1657 AD), Ahmedabad, India was the 33rd Da'i al-Mutlaq (Absolute Missionary) of the Dawoodi Bohra sect of Musta‘lī Islam. He succeeded the 32nd Da'i Syedna Qutubuddin Shaheed to the religious post. He became Da'i al-Mutlaq in 1056 AH (1648 AD), and his period of Dawat was from 1056-1065 AH (1648-1657 AD).