Ferrol en Común

Ferrol en Común (Ferrol in Common or Ferrol Together, FeC) is a grassroots movement and political coalition in the city of Ferrol, Galicia whose goal is to build a left-wing and participative political electoral alliance. FeC is supported by political parties like Anova-Nationalist Brotherhood (Anova-IN), United Left (EU) and the local circle of Podemos in the city of Ferrol.

Ferrol en Común

Ferrol en Común (Ferrol in Common or Ferrol Together, FeC) is a grassroots movement and political coalition in the city of Ferrol, Galicia whose goal is to build a left-wing and participative political electoral alliance. FeC is supported by political parties like Anova-Nationalist Brotherhood (Anova-IN), United Left (EU) and the local circle of Podemos in the city of Ferrol.