
Ffizz is a British television sitcom created by ITV which ran from 9 September 1987 to 29 August 1989 which followed Jack Mowbray (Richard Griffiths) and Hugo Walker (Benjamin Whitrow), who owned a wine business but never had to actually run it until their accountant died leaving them not only with the work but the surprising knowledge that they were out of money. It was directed by Derrick Goodwin and also starred Felicity Montagu as Griselda and Robin Kermode as Allan. It ran for two series totaling twelve episodes. The complete series was released on DVD in the United Kingdom by Network DVD on 3 September 2018.


Ffizz is a British television sitcom created by ITV which ran from 9 September 1987 to 29 August 1989 which followed Jack Mowbray (Richard Griffiths) and Hugo Walker (Benjamin Whitrow), who owned a wine business but never had to actually run it until their accountant died leaving them not only with the work but the surprising knowledge that they were out of money. It was directed by Derrick Goodwin and also starred Felicity Montagu as Griselda and Robin Kermode as Allan. It ran for two series totaling twelve episodes. The complete series was released on DVD in the United Kingdom by Network DVD on 3 September 2018.