Fi Glover

Fiona Susannah Grace "Fi" Glover (born February 1969) is a British BBC journalist and presenter who currently presents the Fortunately podcast, The Listening Project for BBC Radio 4 and My Perfect Country for the BBC World Service. Fortunately, which has been downloaded 4.5 million times, was the 2018 winner of the ARIAS (Audio and Radio Industry Awards) Funniest Show and won Silver at the 2019 British Podcast Awards. It is currently No. 5 in the BBC’s most popular podcasts and has been No. 1 in the Apple podcast charts. From January 2021, it will be broadcast on a regular slot on BBC Radio 4.

Fi Glover

Fiona Susannah Grace "Fi" Glover (born February 1969) is a British BBC journalist and presenter who currently presents the Fortunately podcast, The Listening Project for BBC Radio 4 and My Perfect Country for the BBC World Service. Fortunately, which has been downloaded 4.5 million times, was the 2018 winner of the ARIAS (Audio and Radio Industry Awards) Funniest Show and won Silver at the 2019 British Podcast Awards. It is currently No. 5 in the BBC’s most popular podcasts and has been No. 1 in the Apple podcast charts. From January 2021, it will be broadcast on a regular slot on BBC Radio 4.