Fight Stories

Fight Stories was a pulp magazine devoted to stories of boxing. Published by Fiction House, it ran 47 issues cover-dated June 1928 to May 1932, followed by a four-year hiatus. It then ran an additional 59 issues, dated Spring 1936 - Spring 1952. It is best remembered for publishing a large number of stories by Robert E. Howard. The magazine also published fiction by Arthur J. Burks.

Fight Stories

Fight Stories was a pulp magazine devoted to stories of boxing. Published by Fiction House, it ran 47 issues cover-dated June 1928 to May 1932, followed by a four-year hiatus. It then ran an additional 59 issues, dated Spring 1936 - Spring 1952. It is best remembered for publishing a large number of stories by Robert E. Howard. The magazine also published fiction by Arthur J. Burks.