Filipino Monkey

"Filipino Monkey" is a taunt used by radio pranksters in maritime radio transmissions since at least the 1980s, especially in the Persian Gulf. This taunt is also used as a name for pranksters who make odd, confusing, or even threatening calls on VHF marine channel 16, which is the VHF calling and distress channel. Before the advent of GMDSS, ships at sea were required to monitor the channel, which is meant to be used only to make contact before changing to a working channel.

Filipino Monkey

"Filipino Monkey" is a taunt used by radio pranksters in maritime radio transmissions since at least the 1980s, especially in the Persian Gulf. This taunt is also used as a name for pranksters who make odd, confusing, or even threatening calls on VHF marine channel 16, which is the VHF calling and distress channel. Before the advent of GMDSS, ships at sea were required to monitor the channel, which is meant to be used only to make contact before changing to a working channel.