Fine Art (software)

Fine Art (Chinese: 绝艺; pinyin: Jué Yì) is a Go-playing computer program created by Chinese media company Tencent. Development reportedly started in early 2016, around the time AlphaGo's successes, first against Fan Hui and later against Lee Sedol, showed that deep-learning neural networks combined with Monte Carlo algorithms were effective in computer Go. Fine Art reached the strength of human professionals by the end of 2016. Fine Art has played many games on Fox, an Internet Go server, including several victories over Ke Jie, the world-number-1 Go player.

Fine Art (software)

Fine Art (Chinese: 绝艺; pinyin: Jué Yì) is a Go-playing computer program created by Chinese media company Tencent. Development reportedly started in early 2016, around the time AlphaGo's successes, first against Fan Hui and later against Lee Sedol, showed that deep-learning neural networks combined with Monte Carlo algorithms were effective in computer Go. Fine Art reached the strength of human professionals by the end of 2016. Fine Art has played many games on Fox, an Internet Go server, including several victories over Ke Jie, the world-number-1 Go player.