Fire Eagle

Fire Eagle was a Yahoo! owned service that stores a user's location and shares it with other authorized services. It was created at Yahoo! Brickhouse by a team which included among others , , Simon Willison, Jeannie H. Yang, Mor Naaman, Seth Fitzsimmons, Simon King, and Chris Martin. The Fire Eagle service was one of the first sites to use the OAuth protocol to connect services together. Fire Eagle has closed as of February 2013.

Fire Eagle

Fire Eagle was a Yahoo! owned service that stores a user's location and shares it with other authorized services. It was created at Yahoo! Brickhouse by a team which included among others , , Simon Willison, Jeannie H. Yang, Mor Naaman, Seth Fitzsimmons, Simon King, and Chris Martin. The Fire Eagle service was one of the first sites to use the OAuth protocol to connect services together. Fire Eagle has closed as of February 2013.