Fire Over England (novel)

Fire Over England is a 1936 English adventure novel written by A. E. W. Mason. The book is set in the late 16th century and covers the English response ('Britain' did not yet exist) to the threat of the 1588 Spanish Armada; it is a thinly veiled analogy to the international situation facing Britain in 1936, a point explicitly made by Mason in his Preface to the first edition.

Fire Over England (novel)

Fire Over England is a 1936 English adventure novel written by A. E. W. Mason. The book is set in the late 16th century and covers the English response ('Britain' did not yet exist) to the threat of the 1588 Spanish Armada; it is a thinly veiled analogy to the international situation facing Britain in 1936, a point explicitly made by Mason in his Preface to the first edition.