Flight Path (UFO)

"Flight Path" is the fifteenth episode aired of the first series of UFO - a 1970 British television science fiction series about an alien invasion of Earth. The screenplay, originally entitled "The Sun Always Rises", was written by Ian Scott Stewart and the director was Ken Turner. The episode was filmed between 26 May to 5 June, 1969 and aired on the ATV Midlands on 20 January, 1971. Though shown as the fifteenth episode, it was actually the third to have been filmed.

Flight Path (UFO)

"Flight Path" is the fifteenth episode aired of the first series of UFO - a 1970 British television science fiction series about an alien invasion of Earth. The screenplay, originally entitled "The Sun Always Rises", was written by Ian Scott Stewart and the director was Ken Turner. The episode was filmed between 26 May to 5 June, 1969 and aired on the ATV Midlands on 20 January, 1971. Though shown as the fifteenth episode, it was actually the third to have been filmed.