Floribert Kaseba Makunko

Floribert Kaseba Makunko (died 21 January 2014, in Belgium) served as ambassador to Zambia for the Democratic Republic of the Congo. From 2006 he served as a member of the National Assembly for the city of Lubumbashi in Katanga Province (in 2009, Haut-Katanga District) and as mayor of Lubumbashi from 1997 to 2006. A decree of November 15, 2005 the President of the Republic, Joseph Kabila, confirmed Floribert Kaseba in these functions as mayor of Lubumbashi. His many works advocating to clean the city of Lubumbashi have earned him the nickname "Bulaya 2000".

Floribert Kaseba Makunko

Floribert Kaseba Makunko (died 21 January 2014, in Belgium) served as ambassador to Zambia for the Democratic Republic of the Congo. From 2006 he served as a member of the National Assembly for the city of Lubumbashi in Katanga Province (in 2009, Haut-Katanga District) and as mayor of Lubumbashi from 1997 to 2006. A decree of November 15, 2005 the President of the Republic, Joseph Kabila, confirmed Floribert Kaseba in these functions as mayor of Lubumbashi. His many works advocating to clean the city of Lubumbashi have earned him the nickname "Bulaya 2000".