Fluke discography

The discography of English electronic music group Fluke consists of five studio albums, one live album, three compilation albums, a white label promo album, twenty-two singles; of which eighteen were released on label and seven are white label and/or promotional only singles. The discography also lists remixes that the group as produced for other artists and music released by the group under the alias The Lucky Monkeys. Releases by other groups that also involve Fluke (2 Bit Pie, Beauty School and Syntax) are listed on their individual pages.

Fluke discography

The discography of English electronic music group Fluke consists of five studio albums, one live album, three compilation albums, a white label promo album, twenty-two singles; of which eighteen were released on label and seven are white label and/or promotional only singles. The discography also lists remixes that the group as produced for other artists and music released by the group under the alias The Lucky Monkeys. Releases by other groups that also involve Fluke (2 Bit Pie, Beauty School and Syntax) are listed on their individual pages.