Foos Gas Engine Company

The Foos Gas Engine Company is a former American professional manufacturer of gasoline engines. Clark Sintz had been undertaking pioneering engine work both on his own and with Charles F Endter. In 1885 the Sintz Gas Engine Company demonstrated a small 2-cycle engine in a small boat. The engine was based on a Dugald Clerk design. Clerk was a Scottish engineer who had patented the engine in the 1870s. John Foos held the patent for this engine.

Foos Gas Engine Company

The Foos Gas Engine Company is a former American professional manufacturer of gasoline engines. Clark Sintz had been undertaking pioneering engine work both on his own and with Charles F Endter. In 1885 the Sintz Gas Engine Company demonstrated a small 2-cycle engine in a small boat. The engine was based on a Dugald Clerk design. Clerk was a Scottish engineer who had patented the engine in the 1870s. John Foos held the patent for this engine.