Forêt de Brotonne

The forêt de Brotonne (Brotonne forest), in France, is situated to the west of Rouen in a vast meander of the Seine, accessible by the pont de Brotonne. It is a part of the Parc naturel régional des Boucles de la Seine normande (Regional natural parc of Boucles de la Seine normande), which allows for the safeguarding of a large natural space stretching from the banlieue of Rouen to the commune of Marais-Vernier.

Forêt de Brotonne

The forêt de Brotonne (Brotonne forest), in France, is situated to the west of Rouen in a vast meander of the Seine, accessible by the pont de Brotonne. It is a part of the Parc naturel régional des Boucles de la Seine normande (Regional natural parc of Boucles de la Seine normande), which allows for the safeguarding of a large natural space stretching from the banlieue of Rouen to the commune of Marais-Vernier.