Ford Mansion

Located in Morristown, New Jersey, US, the Ford Mansion is a classic 18th-century American home built by Jacob Ford, Jr. in 1774 and now owned by the National Park Service as a part of the Morristown National Historical Park. It was acquired by the Washington Association of New Jersey in 1873. The Georgian-styled mansion is known for being George Washington's headquarters from December 1779 to June 1780 during the American Revolutionary War.

Ford Mansion

Located in Morristown, New Jersey, US, the Ford Mansion is a classic 18th-century American home built by Jacob Ford, Jr. in 1774 and now owned by the National Park Service as a part of the Morristown National Historical Park. It was acquired by the Washington Association of New Jersey in 1873. The Georgian-styled mansion is known for being George Washington's headquarters from December 1779 to June 1780 during the American Revolutionary War.