Forecast error

In statistics, a forecast error is the difference between the actual or real and the predicted or forecast value of a time series or any other phenomenon of interest. Since the forecast error is derived from the same scale of data, comparisons between the forecast errors of different series can only be made when the series are on the same scale. * the difference of times of the peaks; * the difference in the peak values in the forecast and outcome; * the difference between the peak value of the outcome and the value forecast for that time point.

Forecast error

In statistics, a forecast error is the difference between the actual or real and the predicted or forecast value of a time series or any other phenomenon of interest. Since the forecast error is derived from the same scale of data, comparisons between the forecast errors of different series can only be made when the series are on the same scale. * the difference of times of the peaks; * the difference in the peak values in the forecast and outcome; * the difference between the peak value of the outcome and the value forecast for that time point.