Fort Wayne Mound Site

The Fort Wayne Mound Site was a Prehistoric burial mound located on the grounds of the Ordinance Department of the former Fort Wayne in Detroit, Michigan. It was one of a series of mounds in Detroit, including the Springwells Mound Group, the Carsten Mound and the Great Mound at the River Rouge. By the mid-20th century only the Fort Wayne Mound was still standing. Today, the remains of the mound—located near Officers’ Row—is fenced off to visitors.

Fort Wayne Mound Site

The Fort Wayne Mound Site was a Prehistoric burial mound located on the grounds of the Ordinance Department of the former Fort Wayne in Detroit, Michigan. It was one of a series of mounds in Detroit, including the Springwells Mound Group, the Carsten Mound and the Great Mound at the River Rouge. By the mid-20th century only the Fort Wayne Mound was still standing. Today, the remains of the mound—located near Officers’ Row—is fenced off to visitors.