Fox Islands (Alaska)

The Fox Islands (Russian: Лисьи острова) are a group of islands in the eastern Aleutian Islands of the U.S. state of Alaska. The Fox Islands are the closest to mainland North America in the Aleutian chain, and just east of and the Islands of Four Mountains group. Inhabited by the Aleut for centuries, the islands, along with the rest of the Aleutians, were first visited by Europeans in 1741, when a Danish navigator employed by the Imperial Russian Navy, Vitus Bering, was searching for new sources of fur for Russian fur trappers.

Fox Islands (Alaska)

The Fox Islands (Russian: Лисьи острова) are a group of islands in the eastern Aleutian Islands of the U.S. state of Alaska. The Fox Islands are the closest to mainland North America in the Aleutian chain, and just east of and the Islands of Four Mountains group. Inhabited by the Aleut for centuries, the islands, along with the rest of the Aleutians, were first visited by Europeans in 1741, when a Danish navigator employed by the Imperial Russian Navy, Vitus Bering, was searching for new sources of fur for Russian fur trappers.