François Certain de Canrobert

François Marcellin Certain de Canrobert (born François Certain Canrobert; 27 June 1809 – 28 January 1895) was a French Marshal. He demonstrated ability during the Second French Empire while participating in the Battle of Alma, the Battle of Magenta, the Battle of Solferino and the Battle of Gravelotte. A staunch supporter of Napoleon III, he became, under the French Third Republic, one of the leading figures in the Bonapartist party (French: parti bonapartiste) and chairman, from 1876 to 1894, of the Senate (French: Sénat) within the French parliamentary group "Call upon the people" (French: Appel au peuple).

François Certain de Canrobert

François Marcellin Certain de Canrobert (born François Certain Canrobert; 27 June 1809 – 28 January 1895) was a French Marshal. He demonstrated ability during the Second French Empire while participating in the Battle of Alma, the Battle of Magenta, the Battle of Solferino and the Battle of Gravelotte. A staunch supporter of Napoleon III, he became, under the French Third Republic, one of the leading figures in the Bonapartist party (French: parti bonapartiste) and chairman, from 1876 to 1894, of the Senate (French: Sénat) within the French parliamentary group "Call upon the people" (French: Appel au peuple).