Francesco Mottola

Francesco Mottola (3 January 1901 – 29 June 1969) was an Italian Roman Catholic priest and the founder of the Secular Institute of the Oblates of the Sacred Heart. Pope Benedict XVI recognized his life of heroic virtue and declared the late priest to be Venerable on 17 December 2007. The miracle that is needed for his beatification was approved on 3 October 2019 and he was originally to have been beatified on 30 May 2020.The COVID-19 pandemic subsequently delayed the announced date of beatification.

Francesco Mottola

Francesco Mottola (3 January 1901 – 29 June 1969) was an Italian Roman Catholic priest and the founder of the Secular Institute of the Oblates of the Sacred Heart. Pope Benedict XVI recognized his life of heroic virtue and declared the late priest to be Venerable on 17 December 2007. The miracle that is needed for his beatification was approved on 3 October 2019 and he was originally to have been beatified on 30 May 2020.The COVID-19 pandemic subsequently delayed the announced date of beatification.