Francisco de Paula Victor

Francisco de Paula Victor (12 April 1827 – 23 September 1905) was a Brazilian Catholic priest. He is known in Brazil as the "Apostle of Charity" for his charitable treatment of the poor. He is the first black Brazilian national to be beatified in the Roman Catholic Church and the first slave-turned-priest to be considered for canonization. He was beatified on 14 November 2015 in Brazil; Cardinal Angelo Amato presided over the beatification Mass on behalf of Pope Francis who approved his beatification the previous June.

Francisco de Paula Victor

Francisco de Paula Victor (12 April 1827 – 23 September 1905) was a Brazilian Catholic priest. He is known in Brazil as the "Apostle of Charity" for his charitable treatment of the poor. He is the first black Brazilian national to be beatified in the Roman Catholic Church and the first slave-turned-priest to be considered for canonization. He was beatified on 14 November 2015 in Brazil; Cardinal Angelo Amato presided over the beatification Mass on behalf of Pope Francis who approved his beatification the previous June.