Frank Redpath

Frank Redpath (1927-1990) was a Hull poet. He taught at Hull College of Further Education, after a period writing for children's comics (including School Friend) in London. He features in Douglas Dunn's 1982 anthology of Hull poets A Rumoured City, alongside Sean O’Brien, Douglas Houston and Peter Didsbury. Fellow Hull poet Philip Larkin contributed a preface to the anthology. Writing to Redpath, Larkin declared "Yours are the only poems in the book I would have been glad to have written."

Frank Redpath

Frank Redpath (1927-1990) was a Hull poet. He taught at Hull College of Further Education, after a period writing for children's comics (including School Friend) in London. He features in Douglas Dunn's 1982 anthology of Hull poets A Rumoured City, alongside Sean O’Brien, Douglas Houston and Peter Didsbury. Fellow Hull poet Philip Larkin contributed a preface to the anthology. Writing to Redpath, Larkin declared "Yours are the only poems in the book I would have been glad to have written."