Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies

The Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies (FIAS) is a private-public institution for basic theoretical research in various areas of sciencefocusing on interdisciplinary research. It is located in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, at its own home at the Frankfurt-Riedberg campus of the Goethe University. It was founded in 2003. Professor Enrico Schleiff was chairman of the board of directors from 2018 to 2020, when he was succeeded by Volker Lindenstruth. Founding directors are Professor Walter Greiner and Wolf Singer.

Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies

The Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies (FIAS) is a private-public institution for basic theoretical research in various areas of sciencefocusing on interdisciplinary research. It is located in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, at its own home at the Frankfurt-Riedberg campus of the Goethe University. It was founded in 2003. Professor Enrico Schleiff was chairman of the board of directors from 2018 to 2020, when he was succeeded by Volker Lindenstruth. Founding directors are Professor Walter Greiner and Wolf Singer.