Fredric U. Dicker

Fredric Uberall "Fred" Dicker is a former columnist for the New York Post. He served as the state editor for New York since 1982, where he covered the administrations of Hugh Carey, Mario Cuomo, George Pataki, Eliot Spitzer, David Paterson, and Andrew Cuomo. Dicker retired from the Post in September 2016. In addition to his newspaper work, Fred Dicker also hosted a talk show from 1997 to 2018 on WGDJ in Albany and WVOX in New Rochelle. He abruptly ended the radio show in November 2018 due to a family illness and his relocation to Florida.

Fredric U. Dicker

Fredric Uberall "Fred" Dicker is a former columnist for the New York Post. He served as the state editor for New York since 1982, where he covered the administrations of Hugh Carey, Mario Cuomo, George Pataki, Eliot Spitzer, David Paterson, and Andrew Cuomo. Dicker retired from the Post in September 2016. In addition to his newspaper work, Fred Dicker also hosted a talk show from 1997 to 2018 on WGDJ in Albany and WVOX in New Rochelle. He abruptly ended the radio show in November 2018 due to a family illness and his relocation to Florida.