Free Association Books

Free Association Books is a project started in London in the 1980s. Bob Young and colleagues began a search using psychoanalysis to understand the problems of liberation. Other people became involved in the movement such as Andrew Samuels and Bob Hinshelwood and it grew quickly into a publishing house which produced books written by young psychoanalysts. Its house journal was Free Associations, which commenced publication in 1984, initially as "Radical Science 15". Its annual conference, "Psychoanalysis and the Public Sphere" ran in conjunction with the University of East London.

Free Association Books

Free Association Books is a project started in London in the 1980s. Bob Young and colleagues began a search using psychoanalysis to understand the problems of liberation. Other people became involved in the movement such as Andrew Samuels and Bob Hinshelwood and it grew quickly into a publishing house which produced books written by young psychoanalysts. Its house journal was Free Associations, which commenced publication in 1984, initially as "Radical Science 15". Its annual conference, "Psychoanalysis and the Public Sphere" ran in conjunction with the University of East London.